Register Who
Who should register
Who Should Register?
In South Africa, it is required that all Construction Managers and Construction Project Managers professionally register. The South African Council for the Project and Construction
Management Professions (SACPCMP) is a juristic person established by Section 2 of the Project and Construction Management Professions Act (Act No.48 of 2000).
Section 18(2) of the Act (Act 48 of 2000) categorically state that a person cannot practice as a Professional Construction Project Manager or Professional Construction Manager unless he/she is registered in that category.
In order to register, you will need to:
- Create your one-time online profile
- Apply via your online profile and follow the necessary steps
- Upload the required documentation as specified for each category.
The requirements for each category are different – please ensure that you have the necessary experience and qualifications for the category you register for!