Registration Fees

Registration Fees (incl VAT)

Fees and charges are for 2022/23 financial year 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024 in terms of the Project and Construction Management Professions (Act 48 of 2000).

The South African Council for the Project and Construction Management Professions (SACPCMP) is empowered in terms of Section 12 (1) of the Project and Construction Management (Act 48 of 2000) to determine fees and charges payable to the Council. The relevant prescribed fees are set out in the schedule below and come into effect on 1 April 2023.

SCHEDULE: Interpretation
The South African Council for the Project and Construction Management Professions hereby prescribes its schedules of fees for the period 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024.

  1. Persons registered with the Council in terms of the Act, are required to pay the applicable Annual fee annually. The Council invoices the registered person annually in December.
  2. In terms of section 20(1) (a) (iii) of the Act the Council may cancel the registration of a registered person if he/she fails to pay the prescribed annual fee or portion thereof within 120 days of it becoming due or within such further period as the Council may allow, either before or after the expiry of the 120 days
  3. A 10% administrative penalty fee will be charged on all outstanding annual fees more than 120 days
  4. A registered person, whose registration has been cancelled in terms of clause 2 above, is liable to pay all arrear annual fees and outstanding fees and all applicable charges on application for reinstatement
  5. The annual fee for initial registration is calculated on a pro-rata dependent on which month of the year registration takes place.

The fees prescribed herein include Value Added Tax (VAT)

Category Application Fee Interview Fee Examination Fee Registration Fee Annual Fees
Professional (Pr.CM. Pr.CPM, Pr.CMe) R2 852.28 R4 705.01 R1 455.44 R4 871.82
Candidate (C.CM, C.CPM) R2 852.28 R1 455.44 R3 770.40

Specified Category:
Construction Mentor

R2 852.28 R4 705.01 R1 455.44 R4 392.61

Voluntary Association – Annual Fee R5 406.55
Application Fee - Voluntary Association R2 729.02
Administrative Fee – Professionals & Candidates 10% Administrative penalty fee will be charged on all outstanding annual fees for more than 120 days
Administrative fee - Script viewing R115.00
Administrative fee - Assessment outcome viewing R57.50
Certificate fee R17.25
RPL Eligibility Assessment (Application Fee) R2 898.31
RPL POE Assessment Fee R2 898.31
RPL Oral Assessment Fee R3 864.4
RPL Eligibility Assessment (Application Fee) R4 512.00
RPL POE Assessment Fee R4 512.00
RPL Oral Assessment Fee R6 016.00
Assessment of logbooks (C. CM, C. CPM) R651.79
Assessment of Logbooks Candidate CHS R439.53
Appeals Fee R6 000
CBE Levy (Professional) R48.30
CBE Levy (Candidate) R24.15
Reinstatement Penalty Fee R3 139.50
Re-instatement of De-registered Persons
Where a person who was previously registered and whose registration has been cancelled for failing to pay the prescribed annual fee wishes to re-register or reinstate his/her registration, such a person shall, before the application is approved, pay
  1. The prescribed fee at the time of reinstatement comprising of the annual and registration fee
  2. Arrear fees owed up to the time of deregistration
  3. Any expenses incurred by the Council in connection with the recovery of any arrear fees and
  4. Re-instatement penalty of R3 139.50 as determined by Council

Banking Details

Name:  The SA Council for the Project and Construction Management Professions
ACC NO:  128 406 4557
Branch Code:  128 405

Apply to Register

